Additional Information
Aje ~ Ritual oil for Aje, Yoruba Goddess of Increase & Profitability. Can be used and is still very effective without any knowledge of or work with Aje. Aje's energy is compatible with all spirits of prosperity, success, and abundance of any pantheon. Excellent addition to Hoodoo money rituals involving cat eye and money cowrie shells. This Goddess improves one' station in life by increasing profitability of a business, endeavor, or marketable skill set. This ritual oil works best for people who are self-employed, entrepreneurs, entertainers, content creators, those with abundance and "millionaire mindsets" and highly marketable skill sets or business.
The energy of Aje is expansive energy. Typically, spiritual work with her doesn't result in random, unexpected, gifts of money or resources, unless either or both will be used to invest for a future ROI. This goddesses' power lies in shifting our mindsets from their current state to an intense desire for growth and an abundant state. Her energy is present at the core of Law of Attraction, Neurolinguistic Programming, and New Thought ideologies. She maximizes a tree's ability to bear fruit, by expanding its root system. She maximizes our ability to turn a profit by helping us through the mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages that keep us reaching our financial goals. To maximize the efficacy of our Aje Ritual Oil, it is best used by those or on behalf of those with unlimited income or earning potential, to increase sales, profits, and income.
For: marketing, branding, expansion, maximizing efforts/business investments/skillsets, acquisition, Law of Attraction, affirmations, profitability, increase, multi-millionaires & billionaires
Examples: marketing a talent/skillset, successful self-employed, new lucrative streams of income, better branding and mass appeal, improvements with planning for better results, thinking smarter instead of working harder (for little results), etc.
Color: white
City Vibe: New York
Recommended for:
~ Self-Employed
~ Those transitioning to self-employment.
~ Business Owners
~ Independent Contractors
~ Investors
~ Brokers
~ Social Media Influencers
~ Content Creators
~ & anyone in control of their earning potential
The Whirlwind ~ Ritual oil for The Whirlwind, Hoodoo Goddess of Business, the Marketplace, Change, and Transformation. This ritual oil can be used and is still very effective without any knowledge of or previous work with her. The Spirit of the Whirlwind is present during transactions and trade, where money, goods, and services are ex[change]d from one person or entity to the next. This goddess is present everywhere and, in all things, and is compatible with all spirits of prosperity, success, and abundance of any pantheon. This Goddess improves one' station in life by acting as a business mentor (in spirit) and facilitating any changes that need to occur in order to level up. This is a great appeasement oil for smoother transitions from "employed" to "self-employed" and "successfully self-employed".
For: transaction, trade, exchanges, leveling-up
Examples: business mentoring, financial advisement, navigating financial/career/educational changes better, staying ahead of state and national economic downturns (with better planning & business), leveraging the current market or economy for personal gain, new streams of income
Colors: This goddess manifest as every color, however, for success we suggest white, lighter purples such as lavender or lilac.
City Vibe: Tokyo
Recommended for:
~ those who want to who trying to become gainfully self-employed but may not be yet
~ a variety of different professions
~ anyone working for a better quality of life.
La Siren ~ Ritual oil for La Sirene, Haitian Vodou Goddess of Abundance, Stability, Financial Security, Pregnancy, and Healing. This ritual oil can be used and is still very effective without any knowledge of or previous work with her. La Siren's energy is compatible with all spirits of prosperity, success, and abundance of any pantheon although there may be some incompatibilities with Spirits of Iron, such as Ogun or Ogou spirits. If spiritual work with La Sirene and any Spirits of Iron produces conflicting or undesirable results, try separating their altars or spiritual work or spacing rituals with each spirit at least 3 days apart from the other. This Goddess improves one' station in life with financial, emotional, mental, and spiritual stability, more resources, by healing the body and the mind of various ailments, increasing income and lessening unnecessary or unexpected expenditures.
For: (financial, emotional, mental, spiritual) stability, healing, additional resources, financial discipline
Examples: acquiring/purchasing land or a home or home improvements, loan approval, credit improvement, returning to or finishing school/university/certification program, raises/promotions, (successful) retirement, improving a business's bottom line, marketing a talent/skillset, increasing orders, inquiries, requests, and profits through established streams of income. For new streams or avenues of income see our Aje Ritual Oil
Colors: white & light blue
City Vibe: Zurich
Recommended for those who:
~ desire stability
~ are building or rebuilding their credit
~ want to become financial independent and secure
~ decrease unexpected expenditures
Oshun ~ Ritual oil for Oshun, Yoruba Goddess of Granted Wishes, Financial Blessings, Romance, and Fertility. This ritual oil can be used and is still very effective without any knowledge of or previous work with her. Oshun's is compatible with many spirits of prosperity, success, and abundance of various pantheons. This Goddess improves one' station in life with financial and romantic blessings. For: granted wishes, monetary blessings, attraction, sensuality, likeability, fertility, healing
Examples: winning small and large lotteries, finding money and valuables, expected and unexpected financial blessing, gifts, enhancing appearance, resolving financial issues
Colors: white, yellow, gold,
City Vibe: Ibiza Recommended for:
~ anyone who desires gifts, money, benefactors, and a better quality of life
Lakshmi ~ Ritual Oil for Lakshmi, Hindu Goddess of Wealth, Power, and Beauty
This ritual oil can be used and is still very effective without any knowledge of or previous work with her. Lakshmi is compatible with many spirits of prosperity, success, and abundance of various pantheons. This Goddess improves one' station in life by creating, attracting, and circulating wealth in its many forms. Lakshmi is depicted holding a lotus in her hand, symbolizing fortune, self-knowledge, and spiritual liberation. The eight prominent manifestations of Lakshmi, the Ashtalakshmi, symbolize the eight sources of her wealth: spirituality, material wealth, agriculture, royalty, knowledge, courage, progeny, and victory.
For: fame, notoriety, status, power, prosperity, fashion, mass appeal
Examples: signing a lucrative contract, increased popularity, gaining notoriety locally or online, a movie role, gaining entry into an exclusive club, organization, or event, obtaining more political power, improvement of socioeconomic status
Colors: pink, yellow, white, (dark) blue City Vibe: Miami Recommended for:
~ entertainers
~ socialites
~ content creators
~ artist
~ politicians
~ those working in marketing and branding
~ anyone who desires wealth and prosperity and/or notoriety and the benefits of status
Ezili Freda ~ Ritual oil for Ezilli Freda, Haitian Vodou Goddess of Luxury, Love, Beauty, Jewelry, Dancing, and Flowers. She wears three wedding rings, one for each husband - Damballa, Agwe and Ogoun.
For: Ezilie Freda's help with social appeal, social climbing, hypergamy and securing benefactors, networking, elevating personal standards, style, and taste; with seduction, becoming more feminine/womanly, flirtatious, and enhancing feminine appeal, receiving gifts of flowers, perfumes, and jewelry; with attracting opulence, riches, luxurious experiences. romance, and beauty into one's life.
Examples: shopping sprees (especially gifted), credit line approvals and increases, interest in the finer things in life, spa trips, the ability and resources to be more consistent with self-care, and maintenance, investing in "quality vs quantity", beautifying an environment like a home, closet, or office space, jet-setting, fine-dining,
Colors: gold, pink, blue, white
City Vibe: Dubai Recommended for:
~ anyone who desires an upper class or "softer" life, rich, opulent, and luxurious experiences,
Isis ~ Ritual oil for Isis, Kemetic Goddess of Magic, Medicine, Fertility, and Motherhood. In her position as a goddess of magic: people would look to her and her cult for spells to solve problems.
For: Isis's help with manifestation, successful rituals and appeasement of deities, mental reprogramming, breaking generational cycles of poverty and self-sabotage/destruction, for achieving goals; her help with solving difficult worldly issues spiritually; for her help with healing marriages, relationships, and wombs
Examples: successful rituals, becoming a professional psychic, spiritualist, life or manifestation coach, more rewarding relationships with ancestors, spirit guides, and deities, increased confidence in personal talents and spiritual gifts,
Colors: silver, gold, black, red, cobalt blue, and green.
City: Marrakech Recommended for:
~ family and marriage therapist, counselors, coaches and advocates
~ doulas
~ health or medical professional
~ herbalist
~ fitness coaches
~ mediums, mystics, psychics, and spiritualist
~ anyone who wants to improve their ability to manifest what they want
Usage: Use in the same ways you would normally use a spiritual oil. Each oil is an appropriate offering for its respective God or Goddess. Lightly anointed candles, petition papers, serve ware, or gifts such as dolls, perfumes, and art.
Can be used in spiritual baths when thoroughly diluted. For baths, dilute 15 milliliters with at least 3 gallons of water. Up to 30 drops per 1-gallon spiritual bath. Baths made with AS products should be poured over the head with eyes closed.
AS products contain natural plant and animal materials. Including but not limited to bee, shellfish, and tree nut products. Not for internal use. Not for use on or around mucus membranes. Discontinue use on the skin if irritation occurs.